News and Events



Building a Resilient Kansas

About | Video | By Kansans, For Kansans

New Data Science Hub 

Students AND organizations benefit! Here’s how. And, see photos.



2024 ARISE Annual Symposium

April 11-12
Olathe, Kansas
See photos

Kansas Data Science Consortium Conference

Apr 26 | 10a – 4:30p
Wichita, KS
See photos



Roundtable for Community Engaged Research

June 20, 2024 | 3:00 4:15 pm
Register for zoom link

Topic:  Equity as Praxis

Equity has various definitions for different audiences. This roundtable will delve into multiple definitions of equity and social equity; then, we will explore how it looks in practice, whether on a research project or the workplace; our panelist will share their experiences in promoting equity. Finally, we will share lessons learned from the field. You can submit questions about social equity, which will guide our inquiry and discussion. Through this collaborative dialogue, we aim to improve our collective knowledge of equity as praxis.

Presenter(s): ARISE program coordinator Alej Martinez will lead this session with Gabriela (Gaby) Flores, Associate Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer at Metropolitan Community College; Cherayla Haynes, Community Partner Project Manager of the Frontiers Clinical & Translational Science Institute at the University of Kansas Medical Center; and Rumana Sharmin, Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Kansas.



28th NSF EPSCoR National Conference

October 13-16, 2024
Omaha, Nebraska

Learn more

Kansas NSF EPSCoR News

Doctoral student awarded grant for tornado-ready research

Doctoral student awarded grant for tornado-ready research

Madison Graham, KU doctoral student in behavioral studies, was awarded a $15,000 research project from the Natural Hazards Center for Tornado Ready Research. Graham submitted as Principal Investigator to the solicitation with two co-investigators on the project: Brett...

Employment opportunity at KDSC

Come work with us! The Kansas Data Science Consortium (KDSC) is now hiring a project specialist to work with member institutions of the KDSC to develop data science programming and activities to enhance the data science ecosystem in Kansas. KDSC was launched in 2022...

Undergrad Research Talks

The ARISE Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program trekked to Manhattan, Kansas this month to give 3-minute research talks at Kansas State University. A montage of photos of the event is shown below. Links to individual talks coming soon.

Archived MAPS Blog Articles

11/6/2019                     SAVE THE DATE – MARCH 2, 2020!

11/5/2019                     KU doctoral student teaches ecology to Kansas 3rd grade students through the MAPS KEES Program

10/21/2019                   Geography and Atmospheric Science Doctoral Student Mentors HERS Students

9/26/2019                     HERS Student Explores Cultural Losses Imposed by Ghost Forests

9/18/2019                     MAPS REU Student Studies the Effectiveness of Disease Control Measures in Pathosystems

9/6/2019                       Kansas NSF EPSCoR New Funding Opportunity for Early Career Faculty

9/5/2019                       KSU-LSAMP Student Studies Groundwater Discharge across Kansas

9/3/2019                       MAPS Researcher Receives Three New NSF Awards

8/26/2019                     HERS Student Studies the Impact Warming Waters has on Westslope Cutthroat Trout

8/20/2019                     KS-LSAMP Student Studies Interference Competition Among Biovar 1 Agrobacteria

8/12/2019                      KU Distinguished Professor and MAPS Co-PI receive an NSF EPSCoR Track-2 FEC Award

8/6/2019                        MAPS Student Wins Best Undergraduate Presentation at Society for Freshwater Scientists Conference

7/30/2019                      Register for the DEPSCoR Northeast Regional Meeting

7/29/2019                      MAPS REU and HERS students present posters at the 2019 KU Summer REU Poster Session

7/22/2019                      Kansas Science Teachers Explore the Konza Prairie with the KSU MAPS Team

7/17/2019                      New Funding Opportunity for EPSCoR States – DEPSCoR

7/16/2019                      Registration is open for the 2019 EPSCoR National Conference a October 27-30, 2019

7/2/2019                        HERS students prepare to present research at UCAR

6/17/2019                      Kansas NSF EPSCoR Announces Spring 2019  MAPS Research, Education and Innovation Awards

5/23/2019                      MAPS Graduate Student teaches “Sunflower Science” to school aged children

5/15/2019                      HERS student explores “Fire Sovereignty: Using Prescribed Burns to Conserve Tallgrass Prairies

5/15/2019                      MAPS Professor publishes 3rd edition of textbook titled: Freshwater Ecology

4/22/2019                      2018 Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute collaborative project for HS students and teachers

4/9/2019                        Kansas NSF EPSCoR Announces First Awards for the Spring of 2019

4/1/2019                        MAPS researchers discuss accomplishments at the 2019 MAPS Symposium

3/26/2019                      KSU LSAMP student presents MAPS research at the Emerging Researchers National Conference

2/19/2019                      Former HS Teacher studies Geomicrobiology and Microbial Ecology with MAPS Researchers

2/5/2019                        Registration is open for the 2019 MAPS Research Symposium on March 18, 2019

1/22/2019                      MAPS graduate student studies HABs and Kansas water quality

1/17/2019                      The 2019 KS NSF EPSCoR MAPS Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute is now accepting applications

1/16/2019                      REQUEST FOR WHITE PAPERS: (REI) AWARDS In Microbiome Research

1/10/2019                      MAPS 2018 Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute lessons making positive impacts in the classroom

12/12/2018                    The Haskell Environmental Research Studies (HERS) Institute is now accepting applications

11/28/2018                    The MAPS KEES program teaches seed dispersal to third graders in Spanish

11/20/2018                    MAPS graduate student researcher receives a Self Graduating Seniors Fellowship at KU

11/13/2018                    MAPS science team meets to discuss year one accomplishments and plans for year two

11/6/2018                      Girl Scouts of the Kansas Heartland learn about fungi

10/25/2018                    HERS student studies the environmental impacts of bison and fire on the prairie

10/16/2018                    Benedictine College student studies the impacts of fire severity on fungi

10/15/2018                    Kansas NSF EPSCoR Announces the MAPS REI Award Recipients

10/11/2018                    KSU MAPS researchers receive award from Department of Energy

10/10/2018                    ANNOUNCING MAPS First Award Funding Opportunity


10/4/2018                      UIUC Actuarial Science major predicts host infections in bird populations during KU REU

10/1/2018                      MAPS investigator, Dr. Walter Dodds, receives the KSU Karen Ann Griffith Research Award

9/25/2018                      KU MAPS researchers receive NSF ERA award to examine soil properties

9/21/2018                      MAPS REU student studies soil microbial communities in the tallgrass prairie

9/19/2018                      MAPS Researchers awarded NSF Earth Sciences Award

9/12/2018                      KS-LSAMP student studies agrobacterial genetic diversity

9/10/2018                      MAPS Researcher receives NSF Early Career Investigator Award in Plant Genome Research

9/6/2018                        HERS student examines wetland viability

9/5/2018                        NSF 2026 IDEA MACHINE Competition

8/30/2018                      NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 FEC Solicitation

8/29/2018                      Collaboration between KSU, Oklahoma State University and Langston University to boost crop yields

8/22/2018                      MAPS REU student studies impact of soil microbial communities on native Kansas grasses

8/21/2018                      Three Kansas Assistant Professors receive NSF EPSCoR RII Track-4 Awards

8/15/2018                      HERS student studies the impact of rising sea levels on gentrification

8/8/2018                        First generation student studies “Nitrogen cycling and metabolism in drought-ridden prairie stream”

7/24/2018                      MAPS summer REU student from UMass studies fungal drought tolerance at KSU

7/18/2018                      EEB/MAPS REU student studies the effect of climate and land use on methanotrophic communities

6/26/2018                      “Kansas Farmers” exhibit to open August 11, 2018

6/6/2018                        KS teachers Conduct Field Research the 2018 Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute

5/23/2018                      REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS KANSAS NSF EPSCoR MAPS – (REI)

5/21/2018                      Free NSF Webinar to highlight NSF Funding Opportunities to Broaden Participation in STEM

5/1/2018                        Kansas Students travel to Nebraska for the 2018 Women in Science Conference

4/26/2018                      Kansas NSF EPSCoR Announces MAPS First Award Recipients for 2017 – 2018

4/12/2018                      Two MAPS Researchers Receive an NSF DEB RAPIDS Award

4/3/2018                        MAPS Investigator presents at Big Botany Symposium

3/19/2018                      DOE EPSCoR Funding Opportunity

2/27/2018                      Topeka Dual Language 3rd Graders Learn about Soils

1/23/2018                      Applications are now available for the 2018 Ecosystems of Kansas Summer Institute

1/8/2018                        2018 Spring Semester begins with a Collaborative MAPS Course

12/14/2017                    Informational Webinar for the EPSCoR RII Track-4

12/11/2017                    Funding Opportunity EPSCoR RII Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows

11/15/2017                    MAPS Outreach Team Teaches a Lesson on Seed Dispersal to 3rd graders

11/13/2017                    MAPS Graduate Student Research Opportunities

10/20/2017                    First Award Letter of Intent Submission Deadline Extended

10/17/2017                    NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Funding Opportunity

10/16/2017                    First Awards – Kansas NSF EPSCoR Funding Opportunity

10/4/2017                      Hays, Kansas Community Connections interviews MAPS Fort Hays State Researcher

9/29/2017                      Researchers meet to strategically plan for the MAPS NSF EPSCoR Track-1 Award

9/28/2017                      Former Kansas NSF EPSCoR First Award Recipient Receives NSF PIRE Award

9/11/2017                      Two Kansas Assistant Professors receive NSF EPSCoR Track-4 Awards

9/6/2017                        KS EPSCoR sponsors KU Natural History Museum’s present to KU TRIO Talent MS students

9/1/2017                        KS NSF EPSCoR receives 20-million-dollar grant to study aquatic, plant and soil microbiomes