The History of


Kansas and NSF EPSCoR

Since its inception in 1992, we have supported collaborative initiatives to improve research capacity across the state. Funding for these initiatives comes from the National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) along with the Kansas Board of Regents.

As a result Kansas scientists have become more competitive in acquiring federal funding, especially in areas critical to the state’s long-term science and technology priorities. In fact, for every dollar we pump into research, Kansas receives more than double that in non-EPSCoR research funding.

NSF EPSCoR funds also provide for major investments in people, thus significantly enhancing the creation of a well-educated, diverse workforce for the state of Kansas. This  useful primer explains more about NSF EPSCoR.

Kansas projects supported by NSF EPSCoR include:

RII Track-1

RII Track-2


RII Track-4

Kansas NSF EPSCoR Projects

 RII Track-1: 

2022 – 2027  (NSF Award No. OIA-2148878, Current Project)  PI: Belinda Sturm

Adaptive and Resilient Infrastructures driven by Social Equity (ARISE); project overview

2017 – 2022  (NSF Award No. OIA-1656006, Current Project)  PI: Kristin Bowman-James

Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Systems across Kansas (MAPS)

Project Proposal, Strategic Plan and Internal Award Application Forms 

2009 – 2017  (NSF Award No. EPS-0903806)  PI: Kristin Bowman-James

Phase VI: Climate Change and Energy: Basic Science, Impacts, and Mitigation Science

Project Proposal, Strategic Plan, Awards and Highlights

2006 – 2009  (NSF Award No. EPS-0553722)  PI: Kristin Bowman-James

Phase V: Building Research Infrastructure to Address Grand Challenge Problems in Ecological Forecasting and Biomaterials Design

Project Highlights

2003 – 2006  (NSF Award No. 0236913)  PI: Kristin Bowman-James

Phase IV: Improvement of the Academic Research Infrastructure

Related Project Documents

1999 – 2004  (NSF Award No.9874732)  PI: Thomas Taylor

Phase III: Improvement of the Academic Research Infrastructure

1995 – 1999  (NSF Award No. 9550487)  PI: Theodore Kuwana

Kansas EPSCoR Improvement Program

1992 -1996 (NSF Award No. 9255223)  PI: Theodore Kuwana

K*STAR Grant for Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research in Kansas

RII Track-2 and RII Track-2 FEC

2023-2027 (NSF Award No. 2316295PI: Melanie Derby

MICRA: Supporting rural livelihoods in the water-stressed Central High Plains: Microbial innovations for climate-resilient agriculture 

2022-2026 (NSF Award No. 2119753PI: Vaishali Sharda

BioWRAP: Bioplastics With Regenerative Agricultural Properties

2021 – 2025 (NSF Award No. 2119754) PI: Bala Subramaniam

Advanced Manufacturing of Renewable and Recyclable Polymers

2020-2024 (NSF Award No. 2019603) PI: Amy Burgin

Aquatic Intermittency Effects on Microbiomes in Streams (AIMS)

2019 – 2023 (NSF Award No. 1920946)  PI: A. Townsend Peterson

Marshalling Diverse Big Data Streams to Understand Risk of Tick-Borne Diseases in the Great Plains

2018 – 2022 (NSF Award No. 1826820)  PI: Stephen Welch

Building Field-Based Ecophysiological Genome-to-Phenome Prediction

2016 – 2020 (NSF Award No. 1632892)  PI: Edward Peltier

Improving Water Management, Treatment and Recovery in Oil and Gas Production

2015 – 2019 (NSF Award No. 1539105)  PI: Bala Subramaniam

Catalysis for Renewables: Applications, Fundamentals and Technologies (CRAFT)

2014 – 2017 (NSF Award No. IIA-1430493)  PI: Kristin Bowman-James

Collaborative Research: Imaging and Controlling Ultrafast Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules, and Nanostructures

2009 – 2012  (NSF Award No. EPS-0553722)  PI: Kristin Bowman-James

Collaborative Research: EPSCoR RII Track 2 Oklahoma and Kansas: A cyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting

RII Cyber Connectivity (C2)

2010 – 2012  (NSF Award No. EPS-1006860)  PI: Kristin Bowman-James

Prairie Light: Next Generation Networking for Mid-continent Science

RII Track-4

2021-2023 (NSF Award No. 2033210) PI: Kapildeb Ambal, WSU

Metrology and spectroscopy of individual nanomagnets? dynamics using quantum sensor-based (NV- center) nano-magnetometry

2019-2020 (NSF Award No. 1929187)  PI: Gisuk Hwang

       Tailored Flow Boiling Mechanisms Using 3D Printed Multifuncitonal Wick Structures

2019-2020 (NSF Award No. 1929147)  PI: Hongyu Wu

Robust Matrix Completion State Estimation in Low-Observability Distribution Systems under False Data Injection Attacks

2018 -2019 (NSF Award No. 1833025)  PI: Abigail Langston

Using Novel Applications of Luminescence Techniques to Evaluate Channel Mobility and Bedrock Valley Development

2018-2019 (NSF Award No. 1833087)  PI: James Blakemore

Pulse Radiolysis Studies of H2 Generation by [Cp*Rh] Complexes to Characterize Design Rules for Improved Catalysts

2018-2019 (NSF Award No. 1833048)  PI: Xianglin Li

Pore-Scale Transport Phenomena in Li-O2 Battery Electrodes Characterized by Nano-Tomography

2017-2018 (NSF Award No. 1738708)  PI: Katie Mitchell-Koch

Electronic Structure Calculations to Characterize Mechanisms of Regioselective Additions to Olefins and to Advance P-31 NMR as a Reporter of Catalytic Intermediates

2017-2018 (NSF Award No. 1738757)  PI: Jocelyn McDonald

Dynamic Live Imaging and Manipulation of Migrating Collectives Inside Tissues

Archived Blog Articles

9/6/2017                        KS EPSCoR sponsors KU Natural History Museum’s present to KU TRIO Talent MS students

8/30/2017                      KS Elementary Teachers Learn About the Nature of Matter

8/24/2017                      KS NSF EPSCoR extends AMO Outreach to MS Students attending ESU’s Scholars Program

8/2/2017                        KS NSF EPSCoR Phase VI: Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy Faculty Receive NSF Award

7/17/2017                      The EPSCoR Partnership receives NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 Award

5/31/2017                      Kansas EPSCoR Researchers and Teachers work together to on AMO Physics Curricular Connections

5/12/2017                      Kansas State EPSCoR physicist uses X-ray lasers to create molecular black hole

5/3/2017                        Kansas EPSCoR 2017 “Modeling the Unseen in the Physical Sciences” teachers present at KATS Camp

4/19/2017                      Kansas NSF EPSCoR Director’s discovery featured in the DOE Office of Science Highlights

4/4/2017                        KS High School Women attend the 2017 Women In Science Conference at the University of Nebraska

2/20/2017                      Kansas State University hosts 2017 Kansas and Nebraska EPSCoR Collaborative Research Symposium

2/15/2017                      2017 Kansas NSF EPSCoR Physics Teacher Workshop at Kansas State APPLY NOW

2/8/2017                        KS EPSCoR Track 2 Researcher and KU Physicist, Dr. Hui Zhao, discovers a new bilayer material

12/5/2016                      Faculty Collaboration with KU brings SERS Instrument to MidAmerica Nazarene University

11/21/2016                    REU in AMO Physics at Kansas State University and the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. APPLY NOW!

11/16/2016                    KS EPSCoR TW Collaboration results in KS HS Acquiring Access to Cosmic Ray Detector

11/7/2016                      Kansas EPSCoR AMO Physics Researcher Delivers Words of Encouragement to Hispanic STEM Students

11/1/2016                      KU EPSCoR Track-2 REU Student Investigates Behaviors of Heterogeneous Catalytic Materials

10/26/2016                    2016-2017 Community College Innovative Challenge Announced

10/20/2016                    Funding opportunity: NSF EPSCoR RII Track 4 “EPSCoR Research Fellows”                    

10/13/2016                    Kansas EPSCoR Researcher featured in KSU News Release

10/11/2016                    The National Science Foundation and the National Nanotechnology Initiative Issue a Challenge

10/4/2016                      KSU Distinguished Professor of Physics Creates works with FHSU Professor and Students

9/29/2016                      Nebraska NSF EPSCoR Hosts the 2016 Kansas and Nebraska Track 2 Review

9/20/2016                      University of Kansas and West Virginia University collaborate on Water Restoration Project

9/19/2016                      Acclaimed Hydrologist to Speak Oct. 3 at Kansas State University about Global Water Supply

9/19/2016                      Wichita State University Assistant Professor Awarded an NSF/ACI grant

8/17/2016                      Update from the National Science Foundation’s SBIR/STTR Program: Fall 2016

7/1/2016                        Nebraska student travels to Kansas State University to conduct summer research in AMO Physics

4/26/2016                      KS Physics and Physical Science Teachers “Model the Unseen” with  KS NSF EPSCoR AMO Researchers

2/9/2016                         2015 KS NSF EPSCoR Teacher Workshop Participants Present at the 2016 KATS Conference

2/2/2016                         Manhattan High School Student Explores Growing Nanowires

1/15/2016                       Emporia State Partners with AVID Climate Initiative to Explore Aerosols

1/6/2016                         Kansas EPSCoR Climate and Energy Exhibit travels to the Courtland Art Center

12/8/2015                      2015-2016 Kansas EPSCoR First Awards Announced

12/2/2015                      Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity in AMO Physics

11/13/2015                    EPSCoR Interjurisdictional Collaborative Funding Opportunity: FY 2016 RII Track-2 FEC

11/6/2015                      Students Explore Fiber Optics at ESU Si Se Puede Hacer Ciencias y Matimaticas Program

10/22/2015                    EPSCoR EOD Grant Provides KS Teachers with “STEM Education Through Sustainable Energy”

10/12/2015                    NSF Track 2 Grant supports collaborative outreach to small college faculty

10/8/2015                      KS and NE present Ultrafast Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Nanostructures Symposium

10/2/2015                      KU Geography PhD Candidate and HERS Alum featured in Spring 2015 Edition of “Winds of Change”

9/14/2015                      Teachers Explore Improving Climate Education at Fort Hays State University

9/10/2015                      ESU collaborates with Flint Hills Technical School to “Energize” Students in rural region of Kansas

9/2/2015                         NSF Awards a Kansas And South Carolina Research Collaboration Four Million Dollars

8/26/2015                      “Fun in the Sun” with KU and Project CREATE

8/26/2015                      KS NSF EPSCoR Phase VI funding opportunity – First Awards for Tenure Track Faculty

8/24/2015                      New series of videos address growing water issues in Kansas

8/18/2015                      FHSU student explores Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics at Kansas State University

6/22/2015                      REU student explores the Chemistry associated with Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics at KU

6/15/2015                      KS Physics Teachers Convene at KSU to study Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

6/12/2015                      KS EPSCoR AMO Researcher encourages STEM interests through the EXCITE Summer Program

6/5/2015                        HERS Student receives the NAPIRE Award

4/1/2015                        NSF EPSCoR Track 2 Researchers Host Impressive Research Review

3/18/2015                      CALL FOR WHITE PAPERS – Major Initiatives Research Infrastructure Improvement Track‐1

3/12/2015                      Technology Tuesday at the Bioscience & Technology Business Center

2/19/2015                      Science: Becoming the Messenger – Workshop at K-State

2/12/2015                      KNE to Sponsor Summer Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Physics

12/23/2014                    Webinar: SEES: Interactions of Food Systems with Water and Energy Systems

12/9/2014                      KS NSF EPSCoR presents First Award Grants for Climate and Energy Research and AMO Sciences

12/8/2014                      Faculty Receive EOD Grants Building on Kansas NSF EPSCoR Climate and Energy Research or AMO

11/19/2014                    Research yields material made of single-atom layers that snap together like Legos

11/19/2014                    KU, K-State field stations key sites in 30-year NSF project

11/14/2014                    Soliciting Proposals: RII Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations

11/7/2014                      KU to host Big 12 universities water workshop

10/27/2014                    Konza Prairie research program receives $6.76 million NSF grant renewal

10/21/2014                    Climate and Energy Museum Exhibit Travels

10/16/2014                    Kansas Researchers Talk About Water and What It Means for the State

10/7/2014                      Upcoming Governor’s Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas to be held in Manhattan

10/6/2014                      Going Green: KU students grow algae for biofuel, cleaner water

10/3/2014                      KNE Welcomes New Education, Outreach and Diversity Coordinator

9/22/2014                      Request for Proposals: Kansas NSF EPSCoR Education & Diversity Grants

8/25/2014                      NSF announces the Community College Innovation Challenge

8/13/2014                       Request for Proposals: Kansas NSF EPSCoR First Awards

8/8/2014                         NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) application period is now open!

8/6/2014                         Ultrafast laser technology research in Kansas, Nebraska receives NSF EPSCoR Track 2 grant

6/2/2014                         Calling all Scientists and Engineers… Announcing The Vizzies!

5/9/2014                         Early-Career Faculty Receive First Awards Building on Climate and Energy Research

5/6/2014                         Climate and Energy: Education Outreach Activities Summer 2014

4/30/2014                       Student’s Research SOARS to New Level

4/30/2014                       Kansas Geographer Receives Fellowship to Co-author Book

2/19/2014                       NSF CAREER Award Follows on KNE Funding

2/14/2014                       New DOE EPSCoR Funding Opportunity for Kansas

12/19/2013                     KNE First Awardee Finds Success

12/3/2013                       Funding Opportunity for 2014 First Awards Announced

11/20/2013                     CCM Faculty Present Seminars in Vietnam

11/14/2013                     Climate Change Discussed at Community Events

10/14/2013                     Students Represent Kansas EPSCoR at National Conference

9/11/2013                       Kansas NSF EPSCoR Annual Meeting a Success

9/10/2013                       New Faculty Receive KNE First Awards for Climate and Energy Research

9/6/2013                        1 Kansas Farmer

9/6/2013                         Hybrid Materials on Nanostructured Templates to Improve Lithium-ion Batteries

9/6/2013                         Energy-Related Education Programs Benefit Kids and Scientists Alike

9/6/2013                         Adaption Strategies for Grain Sorghum for a Varying Climate